Friday, August 9, 2013

Gloria Murphy

Gloria Murphy, my grandmother, was born into a Christian family. Her mother was a Native American who was actually a devout Christian. However, her parents never forced her to go to church or other religious practices. In spite of that they were able to instill a creed that Gloria would ultimately follow for the rest of her life. That creed was the belief that God created the Universe a Jesus is the Messiah. Though she believed in this creed she did not always follow the code of Christianity. In fact her early years were actually spent acting against most Christian ideals. She drank alcohol, she tried new things and most importantly she met a number of individuals from different religions. This was a sort of learning period for her to gain knowledge about each religion.
            It wasn’t until she was fully grown with children that she found her faith. Being a single mother was not an easy task and Gloria found herself praying on almost a daily basis. Soon she was reading religious texts, mostly the bible, and listening to Christian leaders. She claims that praying in the name of Jesus left her feeling a sense of peace and protection. Of course she did not feel protected from just the simple act of praying. She is convinced that God answers her prayers and it is her duty to worship him.
            Her first interaction with God’s power occurred when she was a very young mother. She was surprised with twins, which is not an easy task for a single mother of two.  To her dismay one of her daughter, Ronna, had a tumor like growth on her naval. Doctors told her that the growth would not be able to be removed until Ronna was at least two years old. Gloria was left feeling helpless, so she did all that she knew to do. She attended a special church service the following Sunday where a preacher prayed for her child. After the prayer Gloria felt like all of her stress was released; she felt as if her child no longer had the growth. Two days later she remembered that sadly her daughter was still sick but upon changing her she realized the growth was gone. She describes this as one of the most defining moments of her faith.
            After this miracle Gloria began studying Christianity. She read the bible multiple times and eventually opened her own church where she preached. Her way of preaching is very much similar to that of a Pentecostal congregation. Service is by no means formal; individuals are free to express themselves. I believe her church grows because others feel her belief and honest love for Jesus. She loves Jesus because he has been there for her through thick and thin. In times of trouble she has called upon him and Jesus has answered many a time. Therefore it is her duty to serve Christ and spread his name.
            Gloria exemplifies why religion is a part of ones culture. Christianity is not simply to believe in Jesus but rather a way of life. The Ten Commandments are the basis upon which every Christian lives his life. The golden rule is what Gloria feels is most important. She tells me every day to love my neighbor as I would love myself. I am convinced that Christianity is a part of my grandmother now. Just as Judaism is seen as an ethnicity I believe Christianity can be seen as a culture. My grandmother lives her life every day as if it is her judgment day. She follows the footsteps of God and he has blessed her with a beautiful life in return.

Here is a verse from the bible that I believe describes my Grandmother

Psalms 23:4  Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadows of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff comfort me.


  1. I agree that Christianity can be seen as a culture as well as a religion also. I think Gloria exemplifies this well by not only practicing the religion, but making it a large part of her life as well. It's really cool that Gloria opened her own church because I think that portrays how important Christianity is in her life and I really respect people who have strong beliefs. I think that by not forcing Christianity on Gloria allowed her to discover Christianity on her own, which, in turn, made her faith in Christianity stronger.

    P.S. Lexi says hi.

  2. I believe people need religion to fulfill their lives. Sometimes, after praying in the name of God, I felt calm and there is a power to encourage me to keep going. I also agree religion is not only a belief but a culture in our lives. It is a part of our lives, and it plays a very important role in our lives. I like your grandmother’s parents, which did not force children to follow their religious practices and beliefs. I think parents can tell their children to know what family culture and religious belief is. However, if they finally found out their religious identities, parents should let them discover them.
